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Common Plumbing Questions, Our Grand Junction Customers Ask

Your water delivery and drainage systems are constantly relied upon to keep your Grand Junction home fully functional. Drinking, bathing, washing dishes, doing laundry, washing your hands, washing the floor, and sending waste water out of the house as sewage all depends on your plumbing working correctly.

Grand Junction, CO Common-Plumbing-QuestionsMost of the time, few even think about their pipes, connections, and fixtures, but when plumbing problems suddenly arise, it is almost always urgent.

The specialized knowledge necessary to fix malfunctioning pipes often merits calling in the professionals, and most people who call the plumber meet him with at least a question or two about the cause of their problem or how to prevent it in the future. Ten of the most common questions plumbers hear from their customers, along with a corresponding answer, are listed below:

1. What Causes Drains to Clog?

The answer to this can vary. In the kitchen, it is often a matter of major food particles getting stuck in the drain. In the bathroom, it is frequently a slower buildup of oily residues from soaps and shampoos, mixed in with hair.

If your drain is severely clogged, it is a good idea to call in a plumber who can thoroughly remove the obstruction. To prevent future clogs, you simply need to be careful what you let go down your drains.

2. Why Do Faucets Drip?

A dripping faucet is often caused by a simple washer wearing out, which can be slowed down by closing the faucet gently instead of hard. Other times, the internal mechanisms have broken down or rusted and may need to be repaired or replaced.

A dripping faucet is both a nuisance and, in the long run, a major waste of water. While it is tempting to neglect their repair, it is wiser to attend to it promptly.

3. Why Do Pipes Leak?

Some of the most common reasons for pipes to leak include

  • The house’s foundation shifts
  • Frequent or severe temperature changes
  • Uneven water pressure
  • Clogs obstructing the water pathDeteriorating fixtures at the joints

If you see rust or lime deposits on your pipes, it is likely a leak is developing. It may be best to have your pipes inspected to prevent a minor problem from growing into a major one. Water damage from leaky pipes can be quite costly.

4. Should I Be Concerned About a Running Toilet?

The simple answer is “yes.” A running toilet will waste a lot of water, costing up to a hundred dollars a year. A toilet runs because some working part has broken or been moved out of position. It could even be that the whole flush mechanism needs to be replaced.

5. What Should I Do About a Jammed Garbage Disposal?

If your Grand Junction home garbage disposal is stubbornly jammed, you should call in the professional to inspect and fix it. It is very easy to damage the motor or to hurt yourself when trying to tackle this project as an amateur. In most cases, the jam can be eliminated quickly with the right tools and expertise, but there are times when internal damage requires parts or the whole unit to be replaced.

6. Why Does My Faucet Bang When I Turn It Off?

Usually, hearing a banging noise every time you shut off the faucet indicates a bad washer is allowing too much pressure to jolt the pipes. Sometimes, this can be easily fixed. Other times, it may take an expert to make the necessary adjustments.

7. What Causes Sump Pumps to Fail?

The most common cause of sump pump failure is the switch breaking down or getting stuck out of position. It may be that the float that moves the switch has gotten jammed on its side and will not rise. It could also be that debris has gotten inside the basin and stopped the switch from moving freely. Finally, sump pumps do not last forever. It may just be an old, worn unit that needs to be replaced.

8. What Can I Do About a Low-Pressure Problem?

You will need to contact a plumber to solve a low water pressure problem. If your neighbors have normal water pressure, you have a local problem. The cause may be any of the following:

  • Your water shut-off valve may be closed.
  • A water line may have gotten pinched.
  • Old, galvanized pipes may have heavy deposits in them.

9. Does It Matter If I Have Hard Water or Soft Water?

Grand Junction, CO Common-Plumbing-Questions-by-CustomerIn fact, hard water can cause a multitude of problems, which is why many opt to have a plumber come install a water softener. Some of the most common hard water issues include:

  • Clothing permanently damaged in the wash
  • Faucets and fixtures prematurely wearing out
  • Water impurities building up as “scales” inside of pipes
  • Water with an unpleasant smell and taste

10. Why Does My Dishwasher Not Drain Fully?

It is normal for a small quantity of water to remain at the bottom of your dishwasher after use. This prevents the heating element from overheating. However, if too much is left over or the water will not drain at all, you have a real problem.

It could be the motor is failing, a clog is in the drain line, or a wiring problem. Dishwasher are very difficult to work on, so it is best to get the help of a specialist.

There are many questions that you may have for your plumber, and we cannot hope to have listed them all here. However, these 10 are among the most common and may be helpful to many. If you have further questions or need help with your Grand Junction home plumbing, do not hesitate to contact a local professional plumber.

For a top-tier plumber in the Grand Junction, CO area, call Peterson Plumbing at (970) 399-7063 today. We will waste no time in attending to your call and addressing your needs.
